NEFOC Land Network Program

Technical Assistance
Author(s): Northeast Farmers of Color Land Trust
Organization: Northeast Farmers of Color Land Trust
Planning Step: Identify Best-Fit Options
The Northeast Farmers of Color Land Trust acts for a future of food and land sovereignty in the Northeast region, through permanent and secure land tenure for Indigenous, Black, Latinx, and Asian farmers who will relate with the land in a sacred manner that honors our ancestors’ dreams – for regenerative farming, sustainable human habitat, ceremony, native ecosystem restoration, climate healing, and cultural preservation. The core of NEFOC is an informal alliance of more than 600 Black, Latinx, Indigenous, and Asian farmers and land stewards making lives on the land in New England and Upstate New York. NEFOC’s network of farmers and land stewards collectively envision, enact, and share ways to be in reciprocity with land, in the process healing generational trauma and redefining the meaning of “farmer” through care for the land and each other. NEFOC’s Land Network Program supports BIPOC land stewards and their communities by linking farmers to equitable ground leases, facilitating Northeastern land reparations, and ensuring NEFOC Network members have access to the training, business planning, education, market, and financial resources to make a thriving life on land.
Relevant Region(s): Northeast | Farm Scale: All | Farm Type: All | Markets: All