Growing Farms: Successful Whole Farm Management Planning Book

DIY Guide
Author(s): Dana Martin and Melissa Fery
Organization: Small Farms Program, Oregon State University
Planning Step: Goals and Resources
Growing Farms Planning Book: Think It! Write It! is a planning book developed for use in the Growing Farms: Successful Whole Farm Management workshop series offered by Oregon State University’s Small Farms Extension Program. The series encourages workshop participants to think through the biological, physical, financial, and family aspects of farm business and covers six major topics:
- Dream It: Strategic Planning
- Grow It: Production
- Do It: Farm Operations
- Sell It: Marketing Strategies
- Manage It: Farm Finances
- Keep It: Managing Risk.
Through the questions and activities presented in the planning book, participants develop a better understanding of farming enterprises and gain the skills necessary to assess their resources and develop a whole-farm plan. Although the workshop series is oriented towards beginning farmers, this planning book can also be useful for those already established in farm and ranch businesses, particularly if they are considering major changes.
Relevant Region(s): All | Farm Scale: All | Farm Type: All | Markets: All